Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Evening Prayer: Wednesday, February 10, 7:00 pm

The livestream may be found here. You do not need a Facebook account to view the livestream.


for Wednesday in 5 Epiphany


(Lutheran Book of Worship, page 142)


The people who walked in darkness

  have seen a great light.

The light shines in the darkness,

  and the darkness has not overcome it.

Those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness,

  on them light has shined.

We have beheld Christ’s glory,

  glory as of the only Son from the Father.

For to us a child is born,

  to us a Son is given.

In him was life,

  and the life was the light of all people.


Joyous light of glory:

of the immortal Father;

                        heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ.

            We have come to the setting of the sun,

                        and we look to the evening light.

            We sing to God, the Father, Son,

                        and Holy Spirit:

            You are worthy of being praised

                        with pure voices forever.

            O Son of God, O Giver of life:

                        The universe proclaims your glory.


The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give him thanks and praise.


  We praise and thank you, O God, for you are without beginning and without end. Through Christ you are the creator and preserver of the whole world; but, above all, you are his God and Father, the giver of the Spirit, and the ruler of all that is, seen and unseen. You made the day for the works of light and the night for the refreshment of our weakness. O loving Lord and source of all that is good, mercifully accept our evening sacrifice of praise. As you have conducted us through the day and brought us to night’s beginning, keep us now in Christ; grant us a peaceful evening and a night free from sin, and at the end, bring us to everlasting life through Christ our Lord. Through him we offer glory, honor, and worship to you in the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.



Let my prayer rise before you as incense;

            the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

O Lord, I call to you; come to me quickly;

            hear my voice when I cry to you.

Let my prayer rise before you as incense;

            the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

Set a watch before my mouth, O Lord,

            and guard the door of my lips.

Let not my heart incline to any evil thing;

            let me not be occupied in wickedness with evildoers.

But my eyes are turned to you, Lord God;

            in you I take refuge. Strip me not of my life.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Let my prayer rise before you as incense;

            the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.


Silence for meditation.


Let the incense of our repentant prayer ascend before you, O Lord, and let your lovingkindness descend upon us, that with purified minds we may sing your praises with the Church on earth and the whole heavenly host, and may glorify you forever and ever.




Psalm 1


Come, you peoples of the earth:

  drink from the wells of the Savior.


1 Happy are they who have not walked in the counsel | of the wicked,*

                nor lingered in the way of sinners,

nor sat in the seats | of the scornful!

2 Their delight is in the law | of the Lord,*

                and they meditate on his law | day and night.

3 They are like trees planted by streams of water,

bearing fruit in due season, with leaves that | do not wither;*

                everything they | do shall prosper.

4 It is not so | with the wicked;*

                they are like chaff which the wind | blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked shall not stand upright when | judgment comes,*

                nor the sinner in the council | of the righteous.

6 For the Lord knows the way | of the righteous,*

                but the way of the wick- | ed is doomed.


Come, you peoples of the earth:

  drink from the wells of the Savior.


Lord God, in your loving wisdom you have set us beside the fountain of life, like a tree planted by running streams. Grant that the cross of your Son may become our tree of life in the paradise of your saints, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  (279)


Hymn             Just As I Am                                                         LBW 296


1              Just as I am, without one plea,

                but that thy blood was shed for me,

                and that thou bidd’st me come to thee,

                O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


2              Just as I am, and waiting not

                to rid my soul of one dark blot,

                to thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,

                O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


3              Just as I am, though tossed about

                with many a conflict, many a doubt,

                fightings and fears within, without,

                O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


4             Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;

                sight, riches, healing of the mind,

                yea, all I need in thee to find,

                O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


5              Just as I am, thou wilt receive,

                wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;

                because thy promise I believe,

                O Lamb of God, I come, I come,


6              Just as I am; thy love unknown

                has broken ev’ry barrier down;

                now to be thine, yea, thine alone,

                O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


Text: Charlotte Elliott, 1789-1871


READING                                                          Ephesians 2:1-10

11So then, remember that at one time you Gentiles by birth, called "the uncircumcision" by those who are called "the circumcision" — a physical circumcision made in the flesh by human hands — 12remember that you were at that time without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. 13But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. 15He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, 16and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it. 17So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; 18for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father. 19So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, 20built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. 21In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; 22in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.

The Word of the Lord.                                        Thanks be to God.


In many and various ways

God spoke to this people of old by the prophets.

  But now in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.





Our Lord and Savior, begotten before all ages,

  revealed himself to the world. Alleluia.


My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;

            my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

            for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.

            From this day all generations will call me blessed.

                        The Almighty has done great things for me,

                        and holy is his name.

                        He has mercy on those who fear him

                        in every generation.

            He has shown the strength of his arm;

            he has scattered the proud in their conceit.

            He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,

            and has lifted up the lowly.

            He has filled the hungry with good things,

            and the rich he has sent away empty.

            He has come to the help of his servant Israel,

            for he has remembered his promise of mercy,

            the promise he made to our fathers,

            to Abraham and his children forever.

            Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen



Our Lord and Savior, begotten before all ages,

  revealed himself to the world. Alleluia.


The LITANY is sung.


In peace, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For the peace from above, and for our salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For the peace of the whole world, for the well-being of the Church of God, and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For all who offer today their worship and praise, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For Dan, our bishop; for all pastors in Christ, for all servants of the Church, and for all the people, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For our public servants, for the government and those who protect us, that they may be upheld and strengthened in every good deed, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For those who work to bring peace, justice, health, and protection in this and every place, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For those who bring offerings, those who do good works in this congregation, those who toil, those who sing, and all the people here present who await from the Lord great and abundant mercy, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For favorable weather, for an abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and need, let us  pray to the Lord.

  Lord, have mercy.


For the faithful who have gone before us and are at rest, let us give thanks to the Lord.



Help, save, comfort, and defend us, gracious Lord.


Silence for meditation.


Rejoicing in the fellowship of all the saints, let us commend ourselves, one another, and our whole life to Christ, our Lord.

  To you, O Lord.


O God, from whom come all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works: Give to us, your servants, that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be set to obey your commandments; and also that we, being defended from the fear of our enemies, may live in peace and quietness; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God forever.   



Our Father, who art in heaven,

                        hallowed be thy name,

                        thy kingdom come,

                        thy will be done,

                                    on earth as it is in heaven.

            Give us this day our daily bread;

            and forgive us our trespasses,

                        as we forgive those who trespass against us;

            and lead us not into temptation,

                        but deliver us from evil.

            For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

                        forever and ever. Amen


Let us bless the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


Hymn              O Trinity, O Blessed Light                                LBW 275


1              O Trinity, O blessed Light,

                O Unity of princely might:

                the fiery sun is going down;

                shed light upon us through your Son.


2              To you our morning song of praise,

                to you our evening prayer we raise;

                we praise your light in ev’ry age,

                the glory of our pilgrimage.


3              All glory be to God above

                and to the Son, the prince of love,

                and to the Spirit, One in Three!

                We praise you, blessed Trinity.


Text: attr. St. Ambrose, 340-397; tr. Gracia Grindal, b. 1943






Prayer and Benediction

Accept, O Lord, our praises and supplications, and look graciously on our households and our faith family, that we may abide this night in peace and safety under the shadow of your wings, and so assist us by your grace that we may be made fit for that kingdom where there shall be no more sin, nor sorrow, nor pain, but all shall be joy and peace in the Holy Spirit, to whom, with you, O Father, and you, O blessed Jesus, be all glory, both now and evermore.



The almighty and merciful Lord, the Father, + the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and preserve you.  Amen