Monday, October 28, 2013

Reformation Day Sermon - October 27, 2013

'...the central issues go to the heart of the Christian faith,
the faith for which the Reformers of the sixteenth century contended,
together with all orthodox believers of our time and every time.
Was the man Jesus God? Did he die for the forgiveness of our sins?
Was he raised on the third day for our justification?
Did the Father and the Son send the Spirit,
and is that Spirit encountered in the Word, Baptism, and Communion?
Are the words recorded in John reliable:
‘If the Son has set you free, you will be free indeed?’
Do we believe the gospel that set the apostle Paul free from the law
to live in the grace and mercy of Jesus?
Do we believe, with Jeremiah, that the new covenant is made with us by God,
when he forgives our iniquity, and remembers our sin no more?

Or do we believe another gospel?...'

Read the sermon here.